[section height=”450″ bg_color=”#ff8686″ class=”aligncenter”]
[heading1 xclass=”inner-title”]WE’RE A [/heading1][flv_changing_text title=”CREATIVE” other_words=”awesome, inspired, incredible, classy, great, proffesional, popular” class=”inner-title”][heading1 xclass=”inner-title”] AGENCY[/heading1][sub_title_white][/section]
[section bg_color=”#fafafa” padding=”more_padding” parallax=”yes”][tab_group][tab title=”vision”]In an ideal world this website wouldn’t exist, a client would acknowledge the importance of having web copy before the design starts. Needless to say it’s very important, content is king and people are beginning to understand that. However, back over in reality some project schedules and budgets don’t allow for web copy to be written before the design phase.[/tab][tab title=”manifesto”]We’re here to help, we’ve written examples of web copy for over 40 industries for you to use at concept phase of your projects to bring a little life and realism to your designs and help you think about who and what you are designing for. We want clients and designers alike to think about their design and how it will work with the web copy.[/tab][tab title=”mission”]In an ideal world this website wouldn’t exist, a client would acknowledge the importance of having web copy before the design starts. Needless to say it’s very important, content is king and people are beginning to understand that. However, back over in reality some project schedules and budgets don’t allow for web copy to be written before the design phase.[/tab][/tab_group][/section]
[title title=”the team we love”][/title]
[team_member team_name=”Dois lobortis” function=”Creative Director” fb_url=”#” tw_url=”#” insta_url=”#” image=”964″]
[team_member animation=”0.4″ team_name=”laura william” function=”Art Director” fb_url=”#” tw_url=”#” insta_url=”#” image=”963″]
[team_member animation=”0.6″ team_name=”Kiku byca” function=”Designer” fb_url=”#” tw_url=”#” insta_url=”#” image=”965″]
[title title=”we are the best in”][/title]
[service_icon animation=”0.3″ title=”html5 templates” desc=”Creating exclusive HTML Templates for ThemeForest” type=”basic-server2″ link=”#”][service_icon animation=”0.4″ title=”RESPONSIVE DESIGN” desc=”All our templates are responsive for all devices” type=”basic-laptop” link=”#”][service_icon animation=”0.5″ title=”MULTIPLE OPTIONS” desc=”Change header look or portfolio layout in seconds” type=”basic-settings” link=”#”][service_icon animation=”0.6″ title=”DOCUMENTATION” desc=”Well documented all options and youtube tutorials” type=”basic-webpage-txt” link=”#”]
[service_icon animation=”0.7″ title=”MOBILE GAMES” desc=”We are launching our first iOS game Monster” type=”basic-flag1″][service_icon animation=”0.8″ title=”MINIMALISTIC” desc=”This template is clean and minimalistic” type=”software-paintbrush” link=”#”][service_icon animation=”0.9″ title=”over 792+ Linea icons” desc=”Over 792 different line icons included in template” type=”ecommerce-megaphone” link=”#”][service_icon animation=”1″ title=”SUPPORT” desc=”If you have any question feel free to ask us” type=”basic-elaboration-message-dots” link=”#”]